Artist: La Monte Young
Album: The Well-Tuned Piano
Year: 1987
Label: Gramavision
Genre: Classical, minimalism, avant-garde
RIYL: Classical music your grandparents would STILL screech at you to turn off

Here’s an uber-rarity for you. (Seriously, check the Amazon used prices on this beast.) La Monte Young is a well-respected, well-known performer/composer of the avant-garde. This is, perhaps, his masterpiece so (naturally) it is way out of print. The Well-Tuned Piano is 5 hour-long discs of fairly slow, rather discordant piano playing. It’s both hypnotic and, at 5 hours, impossible to listen to in one sitting. (Not that people haven’t done it–they have. But I would think for most of us that would fail to do anything except make us angry at life.)

By the way, considering the size of this album, I had to split the download into 2 parts. Thus, rather than clicking the icon like normal, I get to do the “Click Here for Discs 1-2” and “Click Here for Discs 3-5” thing! I hope you enjoy because it took forever to upload these bad boys.